Mr. Bean is a popular British sitcom character created by Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis. He is known for his hilarious physical comedy and witty one-liners. Mr. Bean quotes often include topics such as life, relationships, and the comic absurdity of everyday situations. They have become beloved by fans of the show and are often quoted in pop culture and everyday conversations. Mr. Bean’s quotes are often accompanied by his signature smile, making them even more memorable.
42 Best Mr Bean Quotes
“Good morning, Mrs. Wicket.”
– Mr. Bean
“Everything I touch turns into a disaster.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s not so much an religion as a way of life.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a man of few words.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m not a bank robber, I’m an accountant.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m not lazy, I’m just very relaxed.”
– Mr. Bean
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
– Mr. Bean
“That’s the last time I do that.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m in the middle of something.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m sorry I’m late, I got lost on the path of life.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m an evil genius.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s all part of the plan.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m not a bad person, I’m just misunderstood.”
– Mr. Bean
“That’s what I do, I solve problems.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a bit of a coward really.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s a miracle I’m still alive.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m the king of the castle.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a winner, I’m a winner!”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s all in the mind.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m not a fool, I’m a genius.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m invincible!”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a master of disguise.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real thinker.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s all quite logical.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s all a game to me.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m the king of the world!”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a very clever person.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a genius!”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real problem solver.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real character.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m the master of my own destiny.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a bit of a troublemaker.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real wildcard.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real survivor.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real joker.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m the hero of the day.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real showman.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real daredevil.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real risk-taker.”
– Mr. Bean
“I’m a real survivor.”
– Mr. Bean
“It’s all just a bit of fun.”
– Mr. Bean
Mr Bean is an iconic British character that always manages to make us laugh. His offbeat humor and quick wit has entertained us for decades. Whether you prefer his physical comedy or his dry one-liners, there is something for everyone in Mr Bean’s repertoire. From funny observations about everyday life to clever observations about the world around us, Mr Bean’s quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face. So remember, the next time you’re feeling down, a few wise words from Mr Bean just might be the pick-me-up you need.