65 Zamasu Quotes to Inspire You

» Humorous » 65 Zamasu Quotes to Inspire You

Zamasu quotes are words of wisdom and advice from the character Zamasu, an immortal and powerful being from the Dragon Ball Super manga and anime series. Zamasu’s quotes often reflect his views on human nature, and his belief that humans are foolish and too easily corrupted by power. He often speaks of the importance of discipline and morality, and warns against the dangers of selfishness and pride. His words are often inspiring and thought-provoking, and can be applied to many different life situations.

65 Best Zamasu Quotes

65 Best Zamasu Quotes

  1. “The gods are without a doubt foolish.”

    – Zamasu

  2. “The gods are all the same. They exploit the weak and those who are unable to oppose them.”

    – Zamasu

  3. “The foolish gods have abandoned their duty. They have allowed the world to become corrupt.”

    – Zamasu

  4. “The gods have forgotten their place. They are not fit to rule.”

    – Zamasu

  5. “The gods are too proud. They have forgotten their place in the universe.”

    – Zamasu

  6. “The gods must be destroyed. They are too powerful, and they do not follow the will of the people.”

    – Zamasu

  7. “The gods are not gods. They are merely mortals with great power.”

    – Zamasu

  8. “The gods have failed. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  9. “The gods must be punished for their transgressions.”

    – Zamasu

  10. “The gods must be stopped. They are too powerful and must not be allowed to control the fate of mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  11. “The gods have forgotten their duty. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  12. “The gods are nothing but arrogant fools. It is time for mortals to rise up and take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  13. “The gods must be stopped. They have no right to interfere in the lives of mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  14. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  15. “The gods have forgotten their place. It is time for mortals to take over.”

    – Zamasu

  16. “The gods cannot be trusted. They are too powerful and too arrogant.”

    – Zamasu

  17. “The gods are not perfect. They have made mistakes, and it is time for mortals to correct them.”

    – Zamasu

  18. “The gods are too powerful. It is time for mortals to stand up to them.”

    – Zamasu

  19. “The gods are arrogant and do not understand the plight of mortals. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  20. “The gods have become complacent and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  21. “The gods have abandoned their duty. They have allowed the world to become corrupt. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  22. “The gods are too powerful and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  23. “The gods are foolish and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  24. “The gods are too proud and must be humbled.”

    – Zamasu

  25. “The gods must be overthrown and replaced with mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  26. “The gods are too arrogant and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  27. “The gods have forgotten their place. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  28. “The gods are too powerful and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  29. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  30. “The gods are too proud and must be brought down.”

    – Zamasu

  31. “The gods must be stopped. They have no right to interfere in the lives of mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  32. “The gods are too powerful and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  33. “The gods are not gods. They are merely mortals with great power.”

    – Zamasu

  34. “The gods are too arrogant and must be humbled.”

    – Zamasu

  35. “The gods have forgotten their duty. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  36. “The gods must be overthrown and replaced with mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  37. “The gods are too powerful and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  38. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  39. “The gods must be taught a lesson. They have forgotten their place in the universe.”

    – Zamasu

  40. “The gods are too proud and must be brought down.”

    – Zamasu

  41. “The gods have become too powerful and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  42. “The gods are arrogant and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  43. “The gods are too arrogant and must be humbled.”

    – Zamasu

  44. “The gods have forgotten their place. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  45. “The gods are too powerful and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  46. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  47. “The gods must be stopped. They are too powerful and must not be allowed to control the fate of mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  48. “The gods are arrogant and do not understand the plight of mortals. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  49. “The gods are too proud and must be humbled.”

    – Zamasu

  50. “The gods must be overthrown and replaced with mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  51. “The gods are too powerful and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  52. “The gods are foolish and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  53. “The gods are too proud and must be brought down.”

    – Zamasu

  54. “The gods must be stopped. They have no right to interfere in the lives of mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  55. “The gods are too powerful and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  56. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  57. “The gods are too arrogant and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  58. “The gods have forgotten their place. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  59. “The gods are too powerful and must be overthrown.”

    – Zamasu

  60. “The gods are too arrogant and must be humbled.”

    – Zamasu

  61. “The gods have forgotten their duty. It is time for mortals to take their place.”

    – Zamasu

  62. “The gods must be overthrown and replaced with mortals.”

    – Zamasu

  63. “The gods are too powerful and must be stopped.”

    – Zamasu

  64. “The gods are foolish and must be destroyed.”

    – Zamasu

  65. “The gods must be taught a lesson. They have forgotten their place in the universe.”

    – Zamasu


In conclusion, Zamasu’s quotes are inspiring, wise, and profound. They offer a unique perspective on life and provide motivation for those who need it. Zamasu’s quotes are a great way to start the day and provide guidance on how to live life to the fullest. Whether you’re looking for a bit of motivation or a philosophical outlook on life, Zamasu’s quotes are sure to provide the insight you need.


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