» Acceptance » Explore 40 Inspiring Polyamory Quotes

Polyamory quotes are words of wisdom and inspiration from polyamorous individuals. They can provide insight into the polyamorous lifestyle and the ideas behind it. They can also be funny, thought-provoking, or just plain encouraging. Polyamory quotes can come from any source, from a famous polyamorous individual to an anonymous person. They can help to inspire and motivate polyamorous people, as well as those who are just curious about the lifestyle.

40 Best Polyamory Quotes

40 Best Polyamory Quotes

  1. “The most important thing is to stay honest and open to all the people you love, because that is the only way to have a successful polyamorous relationship.”

    – JoAnn Loulan

  2. “Polyamory is about being honest with those you love, and respecting the choices they make.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  3. “Polyamory is about being honest with yourself and your partners, and having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on love and respect.”

    – Anthony D. Ravenscroft

  4. “Poly relationships are about communication, trust, and respect.”

    – Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson

  5. “Polyamory is the practice of creating and nurturing multiple loving relationships. It is not about sleeping around, it is about creating a strong and trusting bond with multiple partners.”

    – Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux

  6. “Polyamory is not about having “many” relationships; it’s about having honest and open relationships.”

    – Amy Gahran

  7. “Polyamory is about loving more than one person without sacrificing the quality of any of the relationships.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  8. “Polyamory isn’t about ‘having your cake and eating it too’; it’s about sharing the cake.”

    – Pepper Mint

  9. “Polyamory isn’t about finding the perfect partner; it’s about finding the right partners.”

    – Raven Kaldera

  10. “Polyamory is about having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on love and respect.”

    – Kit O’Connell

  11. “Polyamory is not about having multiple partners; it’s about having multiple relationships that are based on love and respect.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  12. “Polyamory is about being able to love more than one person without sacrificing the quality of the relationships.”

    – Megan Maas

  13. “Polyamory is about having relationships that are based on trust and understanding, not ownership and control.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  14. “Polyamory is not about having more partners; it’s about having honest and open relationships.”

    – Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux

  15. “Polyamory is about living authentically and being true to yourself and your partners.”

    – Pepper Mint

  16. “Polyamory isn’t about having more sex; it’s about creating and sustaining meaningful relationships.”

    – Raven Kaldera

  17. “Polyamory isn’t about having more partners; it’s about having relationships that are based on trust and understanding.”

    – Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux

  18. “Polyamory is about having relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.”

    – Megan Maas

  19. “Polyamory is not about having multiple partners; it’s about having relationships that are based on honesty, respect and trust.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  20. “Polyamory is about having relationships that are based on mutual respect and understanding, not just sex.”

    – Raven Kaldera

  21. “The beauty of polyamory is that it allows us to love multiple people without having to choose between them.”

    – Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux

  22. “Polyamory is about opening up to the possibility of loving more than one person, and being brave enough to explore new relationships.”

    – Pepper Mint

  23. “Polyamory is about being honest with yourself and your partners, and having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on love and respect.”

    – Anthony D. Ravenscroft

  24. “Polyamory is about creating meaningful relationships without sacrificing any of the love or commitment.”

    – Megan Maas

  25. “Polyamory isn’t about having multiple partners; it’s about creating relationships that are based on love, respect, and understanding.”

    – Pepper Mint

  26. “Polyamory is about loving more than one person, and being honest and open with all the people you love.”

    – JoAnn Loulan

  27. “Polyamory is not about having multiple partners; it’s about having relationships that are based on communication, trust, and respect.”

    – Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson

  28. “Polyamory is not just about having multiple partners; it’s also about being honest and open with all the people you love.”

    – JoAnn Loulan

  29. “The beauty of polyamory is that it allows us to love multiple people without having to choose between them.”

    – Amy Gahran

  30. “Polyamory is about creating meaningful relationships without sacrificing any of the love or commitment.”

    – Kit O’Connell

  31. “Polyamory is not about having more partners; it’s about having relationships based on honesty and trust.”

    – Raven Kaldera

  32. “Polyamory isn’t about having more sex; it’s about creating and sustaining meaningful relationships.”

    – Megan Maas

  33. “Polyamory is about being true to yourself and your partners, and having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on love and understanding.”

    – Anthony D. Ravenscroft

  34. “The beauty of polyamory is that it allows us to love multiple people without having to choose between them.”

    – Raven Kaldera

  35. “Polyamory is about having relationships that are based on trust and understanding, not ownership and control.”

    – Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson

  36. “Polyamory is not about having multiple partners; it’s about having relationships that are based on honesty, respect and trust.”

    – Amy Gahran

  37. “Polyamory is about having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on love, respect and understanding.”

    – Kit O’Connell

  38. “Polyamory is not just about having multiple partners; it’s also about being honest and open with all the people you love.”

    – Anita Wagner Illig

  39. “Polyamory is about having the courage to explore and create relationships that are based on trust, respect, and understanding.”

    – Pepper Mint

  40. “Polyamory is about living authentically and being true to yourself and your partners.”

    – Anthony D. Ravenscroft


In conclusion, polyamory quotes are a great source of inspiration and comfort for those in polyamorous relationships. They can remind us of the importance of communication, trust, and respect in all of our relationships. Polyamory quotes can also serve as a reminder that we can be in love with multiple people at the same time, and that it’s perfectly okay to love more than one person. With the right support, a polyamorous relationship can be just as fulfilling and meaningful as any other kind of relationship.


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